A Motivational Journey

JOURNEYS OF DISCOVERY is a compilation of short stories from women entrepreneurs, who have overcome obstacles to achieve their dreams. Read and be inspired by these amazing Divas as they share their personal stories of the good, bad and the ugly, with a little helpful advice on the side.

Product Description

Price: $12.95

Publisher: BHC Press/Zander

Published Date: February 28, 2019

Pages: 152

Dimensions: 5.51 X 0.35 X 8.5 inches | 0.44 pounds

ISBN: 9781948540209

Book Information

ISBN Numbers

Softcover: 978-1-948540-20-9

Ebook: 978-1-948540-21-6

LCCN: 2018954147

Candace Gish


Candace Gish is a motivator and empowering change agent who understands the challenges women face while finding success in their everyday lives and businesses. She is an advocate for mentorship and strong, supportive networks.
Her four daughters and wonderful husband have inspired her to create a better world, thus the Divas That Care Network was born. Candace enjoys connecting with goal-oriented women and a commitment to make a difference. She believes in the power of women converging to implement change and has ensured that the purpose of Divas That Care movement quantifies just that.

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