Overcoming Obstacles
Through personal struggles with family, bullying, depression, and life-threatening medical conditions and a desire to empower others, these young women combine their passions with volunteerism to make a difference in the world. Today, they are impacting a variety of people across the globe—from young girls looking to enter the field of technology to the disabled people of Sri Lanka.
Just as these young women have overcome obstacles in order to help others, you will be inspired by their inspirational stories, poems, and essays to see the best in others and think big in order to become a change maker.
Product Description
Price: $11.95
Publisher: BHC Press
Published Date: January 23, 2020
Pages: 128
Dimensions: 5.51 X 0.3 X 8.5 inches | 0.38 pounds
ISBN: 9781643970523
Book Information
ISBN Numbers:
Softcover: 978-1-64397-052-3
Ebook: 978-1-64397-053-0
LCCN: 2019948351
Candace Gish
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